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Sunday 4 November 2018

9 successful factor s for personal- pornima kulkarni


'Success is No Accident. It's Hard Work, Perseverance, Learning, Studying, Sacrifice & Most of All, Love of what You're doing/learning to do'. - Pele..

There're 9 Success factors that you must know in order to start moving forward in life.
Each one of these success factors has been proven to be critical to the achievement of the best life possible for any given Person. By systematically implementing One/More of these success factors into Your Life, You can put Your foot on the accelerator of Your Own Career & Achieve the best life for Yourself:
1.EDUCATION: In Our Society the highest Paid People are those who know more than the average. They know more of the Critical Facts, Ideas & Information than the average person in their field. As a result they can make a more valuable contribution to a knowledge-based society & live the best life possible. They are valued more respected more & ultimately paid more Money & Promoted more often.
The rule is that 'To Earn More, You Must Learn More'. If You want to increase Your level of income & achieve the best life for Yourself, You must increase Your level of intellectual capital & thereby the value of the knowledge component of what You're doing.
2.SKILL: You can use to achieve the best life possible is simply skill. Your level of ability in Your field will determine the quality & quantity of Your Results. The better You get at what You do the easier it's for You to start moving forward to get a particular level of results.
As You increase Your skill through study & experience You get better & better at doing the small things that increase the speed & predictability of Your Results.
3.CONTACTS: Moving Forward & Schieving the best life is by developing an ever-widening circle of contacts.
You'll find that every major change in Your life is accompanied by A Person/Persons who either opens/closes doors for You. The possibility of the best life for You'll be determined by the Number of People who Know You, Like You & Who are willing to Help You.
In order to broaden Your network of contacts You must network continually at every opportunity. There seems to be a direct Relationship between the Number of People You know & How Successful You're.

4.MONEY: Having Money in the Bank gives You greater freedom & the ability to take advantage of opportunities when they come along. If You're Broke/In debt, You've very 5 options open to You.
One of the most important things I ever learned in life is that You're only as free as Your options. If You've no options You've no freedom. If You're stuck in a Dead-End job that You cann't leave because You've no Money set aside You've put a brake on Your Potential. You're locked in place & have no option for moving forward. You can end up spinning Your Wheels, Losing Months & Years of Your time by the very fact that You've no choice but to accept whatever is being handed to You.
5.GOOD WORK HABITS: The Success factors that enables You to get far more done in a shorter period of time is simply Good Work habits.
Your Ability to Increase Your ROTI or 'Return On Time Invested' can enable You to accomplish vastly more in a shorter period of time than Another Person who's disorganized & sloppy.
Developing Good Work habits requires that You think before acting. You make a list & set priorities on the list before You begin. Good work habits require that You consider the Likely Consequences, Positive/Negative of what You're doing.
6.POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE: Your Career & Life is to reduce the amount of time that it takes You to achieve Your Goals is by developing a positive Mental Attitude.
A Positive Mental Attitude is very much a decision that You make. Remember You become what You do. If You engage in the same activities that Positive, Confident, Optimistic People engage in You'll eventually become one of them & live Your best Life possible.
Anyone can remain positive when things are going well. It's Your ability to look for the Good in every situation that You see positive & start moving forward in Life.

7.POSITIVE IMAGE: You can incorporate into Your Lifestyle &1 that can help You achieve the best life for Yourself is the development of a Positive Image.
People judge You by the way You look on the outside by the way You appear. The fact is that You judge everyone else by the way they look on the outside as well. Taking time to Present an attractive image in Your Person, Your Clothing, Your Grooming & Your Accessories can have an inordinate impact on the doors that open for You & People who're willing to help You start moving forward in Your Life.
8.CREATIVITY: Creativity is wonderful way to start moving forward in life & to increase the speed at which You achieve Your Goals. Creativity is something that requires that You continually look for Better, Faster, Easier, Cheaper ways to get the job done. Remember 1Good Idea is all You need to start a fortune.
9.CHARACTER: Perhaps the most important of the Success factors to accelerating Your Life is Your Character.
Self-Discipline combined with Honesty will open countless doors for You.
Trust is the foundation of All Relationships. When People know You & believe in You're convinced that they can trust You to keep Your Word & Do what You say You'll do they'll feel that they are far more likely to get the things they want through You to get the things they want Faster, Sooner, Easier & with Greater Certainty..
- pornima kulkarni

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